Personal Finance

Personal insurances and finances.

For Euroclasses and students

During the 30 or 60 hours of working the students will know the most important financial mechanism. They will learn how take the financial decision basing on facts.
The will learn how to use financial computer creating the financial decision on insurances or financial matter.

  • Contents:
    What is the personal financial planning?
  • What are the most important financial decisions in life?
  • Where the insurance and where the other financial instruments are neede?
  • How to approach financial problem?
  • What are the two types of financial problems?
  • How to recognize a TVM problem?
  • How to recognize a cash flow problem?
  • How to calculate the inflation by the life insurance?
  • How to calculate the inflation by the non life insurances?
  • How to calculate deposits?
  • How to calculate regular savings?
  • How to calculate income after tax by future value of savings
  • How the deposit payment Insurance works?
  • How to calculate regular payment insurance (yearly, half yearly, quarterly, monthly)
  • What are the benefits of investment funds
  • How the does the deposit in investment funds works?
  • How the regular saving in investment funds works?
  • What is the annuity account?
  • How to calculate monthly annuity ?
  • How to calculate a base capital needed ?
  • How to calculate an interest rate needed ?
  • Irregular savings – cash flow
  • How to find out the rate of return?
  • How to measure the attractiveness of business?

Learning outcomes:
The students will know the most important financial mechanism.
They will learn how take the financial decision basing on facts.
The will learn how to use financial computer creating the financial decision on insurances or financial matter.

Link to Economic University in Katowice:

14 thoughts on “Personal Finance”

  1. Carles Badia Biosca

    This subject is really interesting because the teacher makes you think about things that i had almost never think before.

  2. Victor Gonzalez Alonso

    Hello everyone!!

    First of all, this is one of the best class that i took here in Katowice and I am not dissapointed.

    I learn a lot in this class, cause teacher gives more importance to how to live the life and get succesful with your business than make exercises or study stuffs than in a soon future you will forget.

    If you want to know how to start your own business, this class is perfect for you cause teacher will tell you how to get goals and everything you need to make your self rich. Its necessary to take in an account that the most important is be happy and stay good with your family.

    Finally, I recommend to attend this class every day cause teacher has really idea about how to manage the life by easy way.

    Victor Gonzalez Alonso (Spain).

  3. Adrian Montes Galvez

    Hello there,

    At first, seeing the title of the subject „Personal insurance and finance: how to calculate[..]” you can think that it is going to be another boring subject based on numbers, formulas and all that kind of stuff.

    However, you get surprised when you enter the class, and you start to listen to the teacher, and all the things that he said. It is not a lecture to teach us how to calculate life insurances, but instead is to teach us how to plan our life. This is the first class when i have truly learnt something useful aside of book-knowledge. The financial wealth is possible to achieve with the things you hear in the class. It is just a state of mind, you have to clear your mind if you want to get rich, and you should start doing it now.

    Things like „most of the rich people of the world started to earn money at the very first stages of their life, it means, when they were 18-25 years old” are those that makes you want to come back next week and keep learning useful things.

    For future students, attend the classes. Andrzej is a good, funny and with a perfect and fluent english (this has to be pointed out) teacher, you won’t regret taking this course.

    Adrian Montes Galvez (erasmus student from Spain)

  4. Diogo Correia

    When you go to a financial course, you think that you will make a lot of calculation with a lot of formulas, but when you enter in this class and the teacher began to teach something, you will see that this class is diferent.
    the teacher tell you simple finance in a diferent way, that has the intention that you look for your future, so you’ll be prepared to earn money and to pick the changes that you can find.
    Besides, the envirment in the class is very good, the people like to be here, and they improve their financial knowledge with simple things.

    In the end of the course, you will see that you will be better prepared to program your future in a financial level.

    I highly recommend to everyone to pick this class, you will enjoy it!!

    best regards

  5. Carlos Fernandes

    In my opinion this was the most useful class I had in Poland. In this course we learned to make the best financial decisions and planning our lives in order to achieve success.

    I really believe that everyone should have this discipline, I am sure that after you take it, it will change your perspective on how to manage your financial life!

  6. Rosa Costa

    In my opinion, this was one of the best classes I had during my period of Erasmus in Poland, it thought me a lot.
    It is a very dynamic class, when a different perspective on a financial level, it thought me that it is important to have a financial plan, to know what you eant in life, and that you can achieve it, if you work hard and mentalize yourself that you can will get it, if you really want it!
    I also learn how to use the financial calculator, and learned that it is important to invest, but before you invest you need to study the market and especially know when, where and how much to invest, always trying to find the best interest rate.
    I think everybody should take this class, it has a great environment, and with a great way to learn.
    Just remember, you can achieve your goals!! 🙂

    Hope you take this class!
    Best regards
    Rosa Costa

  7. What differentiates „Personal insurance and finances” from other finance courses is the way it helps you look at the financial issues in your own life, not the financial health of any bank or company, or of the economy. It was this personal angle, along with the open learning environment, that made this class enjoyable and practical for me.

    Besides learning the technical skills and knowledge, like working with cash flow problems and using the financial calculator, I gained many insights about how successful people managed their money and how to consider money matters to my benefit.

    To future students, attend the classes with an open mind and be prepared to start thinking about your financial future.

  8. This classes show me that the most important thing in our financial planning is practical knowledge. In our meetings we have developed abilities using financial computer which helped transfer all of the sophisticated formulas to simple combinations and quick results. Despite the difficult learning process the atmosphere was great.I truly believe it was worth time to learn this schedule of finance. I recommend this classes every student who wants to manage assets, experience revolution of thinking about earning saving and collecting money. Have you ever heard that being 20 is the best time to think about retirement? Join the project and find out the power of compound interest…

    Best whishes

  9. When I decided to go to this classes I expected something different. I thought It’ll be quite ordinary and that my only motivation of going there would be possibility of improving my financial English. However the reality was different. There is nothing more valuable than knowledge how to be smart and save money.

    Before classes started I thought that I’m to young to think about my financial future (especially about my retirement). Now I know that it’s never to early to do it. What’s more, if we think about it earlier, we have more time to invest our money. In this way we save much more than if we do it as fifty-year-old man.

    What I also learn is how to use a financial calculator. It was a new thing for me because I didn’t hear about it before. I think it makes financial life much easier, because we don’t have to remember many complicated formulas and count it.
    I’m glad that I have chosen “Personal finances and insurances”. I have learned many interesting and useful things and spent a nice time in a friendly atmosphere.

    I’m strongly recommend this classes to all students who wanted to learn something what can be helpful in the future. I’m sure you also will say the same thing.

    Kasia Zyg

  10. Yong Weizhong

    This class taught me a lot on the importance of personal financial planning. It opened my mind to what is good and what is bad in considering and planning for my financial future. Going beyond the typical savings-in-a-bank mentality of most people, the class provided interesting alternatives to making my money work for me, even in a passive investment. The lessons were complemented with instructions on the use of the financial calculator, as a tool to help us see how much and what interest rates we need to invest in order to achieve our financial independence at whatever age we target. Also, references to Robert Kiyosaki and his teachings enriched and supplemented the classes.

    I was amazed at the simple but logical teaching of how a well thought through financial plan can allow one to achieve financial independence. From there, I also realised that it is good to start planning for my retirement early. I saw the potency of finding good investments (in terms of interest rates), and also how simultaneously investing in good financial education is necessary and very valuable in helping me to use my money wisely. Simply put, we get richer by getting smarter. Such knowledge enables us to analyse the facts and the data we are faced with, and then allows us to make accurate and proper calculations and planning.

    My words to future students would be to come with an open heart and mind, ready to receive fresh knowledge. What you hear may or may not be new to you, but it’ll definitely be fresh, coming from a new perspective, and there is much value in that.


  11. Rafi Khovsepyan

    The class had really relaxed, friendly athmosphere! A great way to approach learning. We discussed real-life problems, analyzed common, but VITAL mistakes people do in their life.
    In my opinion every self respecting person should be aware of the lessons from Personal Finance – for them, and for their family – it is one of the most valuable things they can do for themselves!

    Just take the class, enjoy your time with the professor, and look at life from a wise person*s point of view!!

    Rafi Khovsepyan

  12. In this class, our professor did not teach us something we didn’t know. Instead he taught us to look at many simple things from a different angle. It has completely changed the way of certain things. I was so amazed that we can find many opportunities around us, but we did not realize them. And just let those opportunities passing. I do not want to talk about the exact content of this class. For people who are going to take this class in the future, they should be surprise when they learn them. Only thing I can promise for the incoming students is, after you take this class; you will learn how to, and when to plan for your future.
    Lei CHEN

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